

LIFE Coyingly sweet smell of lilies floats in the air. The white flowers are one week old reminiscence of our late father's commemoration ceremony. Today, in the cold room, they stand alone in a quartz vase, each facet of its cut reflectin…

Shrodinger Equation

Hψ = Eψ The equation that describes how probably things exist at a certain place takes exactly the same form as that of the vibration of, say a string of a violin. That is as if to say everything is a vibration. We are vibrations. Our thou…


Friend Listening to his innocent and modest boasts, I cannot but feel how distant I stand now from him. He has not changed much, can enjoy the same line of hobbies in his youth, He still is a hard worker...He keeps talking almost about him…

10 Years

10 YEARS Seen from the 25th floor, the whole range of mountains is panoramic, silhouetted dark purple against a musky orange band, in an afterglow of the sunset. In the foreground are the downtown lights beginning to sparkle like thousands…

A smile.

A SMILE In dark-green workman's suits he is pouring thick cement fluid onto the ground. The grim-gray milk from the metalic bellows reluctantly spreads in tiers and then flattens itself as it stretches thinner. Spread, spread, spread, swal…

Vertically divided organization

I got a letter telling me to come to get my new health insurance card to the Meguro ward office so I went. A young female clerk, 70% of her face covered with a mask which would not only prevent any pollens but anyone from reading her feeli…


SANDGLASS Yesterday is a memory, tomorrow is a guess. I am here in this morning, blessed with the abounding love of the spring air.


Koontz Reading Koontz on the sofa. I look up. A low-angle sunshine is flooding the room. This world is spring.

Dazzling White

Dazzling White The bluer the sky, the whiter do they turn? Like a thousand candent flares, the towering white magnolia is in full bloom.


SORROW The dog is deep asleep embraced in a warm sunshine. She lies on her side on a soft blanket, her whole body relaxed and loose, one leg twitching from time to time. Her ears are dead. Her ribs stand out. Still, with each swell of her …


FRAGRANCE Is twenty more years left in my life? Last fragrance of plum blossoms lingers in the air.


FRIENDS Two old men stand at the corner of the park talking and smiling, the voice unheard. Their hand grips a mallet. On the ground lies a bordeaux red ball. Sporadic, loud laughters drift in the air as if to stay for a moment... and then…


NIGHT Icy drops of rain blown by a gust hit my cheek. I am walking with my dog listening to the grainy water particles spattering on my down jacket, pit-a-pat, pit-a-pat, like long forgotten sound of a GM counter detecting radiation. Puddl…


CHOPIN Nocturne from TV. Watching her fingers dancing and flip-flopping on the keyboard. Gonna be a good day.

: Yellows :

YELLOWS Though the Japanese is called the yellow race, we don't use yellow so much in our daily lives. Whenever I visit Europe, I notice the color yellow is nicely used here and there. I didn't take many of their pictures but here are some…

New skin

New skin for a change. Regrettably, there's no wordwrapping. If anyone knows how to prevent the words from splitting into two at the end of each line, please let me know.