Still remote

When I am writing this blog I find myself thinking in English. Without my knowing it I no longer take the process of "think in Japanese and translate into English". Why is it? Here is my theory. "People tend to pick out a way that is more effortless." And that's it. For me, translation process has become an extra-work that should be bypassed. So I unwittingly dropped that process. It's as easy as that.
Then, does this direct English process take only the same amount of effort as when I write in Japanese? The answer is regrettable no. Since English is not my native language, it seems always holding me at arm's length. It's somewhat remote and distant. This may be subtle but it becomes serious when we go abroad and live in an English environment. Even if people around you seem to understand whatever you say to them, there remains something unsatisfactory and frustrating. This is the distance between you and English. Of course there is a distance between you and Japanese but it's far closer. Maybe I am trying now to narrow this distance by writing this blog. Is it possible when the distance includes the cultural differences? I don't have answer to it. Just trying to demonstrate.
Thanks for reading
The picture was taken in Munich, Germany. Doves are considered as the symbol of peace and prosperous all over the world for that reason. A boy chasing after a girl is certainly worth the symbol.