Another war?

Another war?
This morning I got an email from my Australian friend prompting sign-up for a petition against possible war against Iran. It said to the effect that Bush administration knew already in 2003 that Iran threw away its nuclear weapons development program, and yet he has continued his saber-rattling against Iran. Why is that? Maybe he wants to strike Iran that has strong enmity against USA and therefore is the greatest danger.
After the nine-eleven, Bush waged war against Afghanistan and then Iraq. I think this is out of islamophobia (fear against muslims). If they are going to (hopefully were going to) strike Iran, it must be for the same reason. Immediately after the tragedy of the nine-eleven, it is understandable why majority of people agreed with Bush starting the war against Afghanistan. But even then there should have been more discussion about why USA became an object of hatred in the first place. I have always been wondering why they kept neglecting the search for the cause which is very clearly written in the history. To me it looks like they almost intentionally avoid thinking about it. They seem to just look at the tragedy that happens today and retaliate tomorrow. This is the "eye-for-eye" , hatred-for-hatred logic. It takes only a glance at the Israel-Arab history to know the reason for the hatred. Without facing the real cause of the problem, there will be no way to stop the chain reaction of enmity.
Japanese government, for that matter, which blindly and stupidly follows America is also guilty for intentionally avoiding considering the history. I've never heard anywhere anyone at any level in the government talking from historical viewpoint.
Did I sign up the petition. Yes of course. If you like, go to the address below.
The picture was taken somewhere in Switzerland. The pigeon is real, not a part of the statue.