
Just as I was going to bed last night, the chime-like sound of computer signaled me that I had got an email. It was from the Swiss office answering my question about a problem regarding the simulation program we are developing together. It requested further explanation about the problem with some data for them to analyze. It was already 1:30 am, so I was going to ignore the mail and go to bed. But a different personality inside me, possibly Type A, whispered. "If you answer this email now, they will think about the problem while you are sound asleep." So I followed the advise of the meddlesome personality and started writing an email. I found it not as easy as i thought, but once I started, it was hard for me to stop it, because the work I had done at the cost of my sleeping hours would go down the drain if I stopped halfway. When I finally went to bed, it was 3:00 am.
Actually I also work with American people in San Jose and Austin. They start working around 10:00 p.m. Japan time. So they start sending me emails at midnight just as I am going to bed. European fellows start their work at around 5 to 6 in the afternoon. So they usually start sending emails just as I am finishing my work.
Emails are ultra convenient and made our collaborative work perhaps 100 times more efficient. But the reason why it is so convenient is partly that it made the world sleepless. While i am sleeping they think about my answer and while they are sleeping I am thinking about their answer. It continues like this almost forever. Working with people in 3 different time-zones; US, Europe and Japan, each roughly 8 hours apart, is most efficient. So our working conditions are ideal in terms of efficiency.
But when can we find time to sleep!
I expected an answer from them when I woke up this morning, but they haven't sent me any. Maybe they'd gone home early and had a good night sleep without thinking about my problem.
A worker in the Swiss office takes this dog everyday with him and let it sit beside him all day long while he was working.