Dignity of grand champion

Morning-blue-dragon won the bout with White-phoenix in a showdown at the final bout of 千秋楽 of the grand sumo tournament. At the last tournament he was beaten by Phoenix. So this time was his revenge match.
I am a big fan of both rikishis. The two Mongolians are perfectly different types. The dragon is a fighter type exuding an aura of fighting spirit. The Phoenix, 白鵬 is a calm type with underlying power. But the two are far stronger than any of other rikishis and really worthy of the name of 横綱.
The dragon, 朝青龍 has been set up as a villain and a bad role-model for children by mass media for his "inappropriate behavior as 横綱". He was also blamed by an advisory committee to grand-champion (横綱審議委員会) for his lack of dignity(品格). For past two tournaments the dragon was suspended, for his going back to Mongolia and playing football in spite of his back problem which was certified by a doctor(it was doubted as fake). Of course Phoenix won the two tournaments in the absence of his rival, the dragon. But the small number of spectators during his absense proved how boring the two tournaments were. We owe much to this villain yokozuna.
We always try to cast people into a certain mold. This time the mold is "national sport" and "Japanese tradition". If he or she gets out of the mold even a bit, we all blame him for that forgetting about his / her contribution.
I am really happy to see that he won the tournament after getting through all the bashing, biding his time. He is in a way more Japanese than the people who pride themselves as a guardian of Japanese culture and tradition. Isn't it what we have to have our children see and follow?