
Everywhere around us there is birth and death, in between the struggle for money, position, power, complaints, jealousy, the unending process of what we call life; don't you sometimes wonder what it is all about? You see, most of us want an answer, we want to be told what it is all about, so we pick up a philosophical, religious, ethical, astrological book or we look to somebody if he could tell us; but actually no one can tell us, because life is not something which can be understood from a book, nor can its significance be gathered by following another or through even most earnest prayer. You and I must understand it for ourselves, only by living our own lives, which we can do only, only when we are fully alive. We have to be alert, watchful, observant, taking interest in everything around us, availing ourselves of every oppotunity we encounter, every event we get involved in and then we may discover what it is like to live. Don't waste your lives just fooling around waiting for a Messiah. You are the one to save and to be saved.