Seeing a doctor at last

Two months have passed since my shoulder pain started to disturb my sleep. I at last went to see an orthopedist yesterday.
I got x-rayed on my shoulder and saw the doctor. There was nothing wrong with bones. He said "this is a typical case of age-forty-shoulder."
"Oh is it? I thought it age-FIFTY-shoulder." I said.
"Some people say so too. This is also called 肩関節周囲炎(shoulder-joint inflammatory syndrome)" He said seriously. My オヤジjoke didn't seem to get across.
"What causes the damn syndrome thing?" I asked.
"It is not clearly known. But one thing quite sure is it's age related. Probably your body has finally reached 40." he said smiling, looking at my age 58 on the computer screen. I was glad to know that he was aware of my joke.
"I will prescribe some medicine to alleviate your pain together with a plaster." The doctor said.
"Are they just to reduce my pain?" I asked.
"Yes, I believe they will work fine."
"No, I don't need them."
"Are you sure?"
At this, something in me broke up.
"I'm sure. Sorry to say but it seems you doctors prescribe medicines all too easy. My theory goes that every medicine is basically a poison. If pain itself will not make the disease worse, I would rather not take them."
Saying this I got a bit more emotional and continued. "I am afraid this attitude of doctors is one of the reasons our health insurance system is going bankruptcy." I went on to say "I sometimes suspect doctors and drug companies are in bed together."
"Hahaha, Ok, I think I understand your belief. I won't give you any drug. Just for your information, we also have active treatment such as an injection of hyaluronan(ヒアルロン酸) to cure it sooner."
"I don't need anything that uses needles or knives."
"Ok, then at least you need to rehabilitate to make your stiffened muscle and tendon flexible. It is a kind of massage combined with some body work. "
I unwillingly accepted that offer and got a massage from a young doctor in a training wear. He said. "Raise your arms up as high as possible."
I tried but my left arm miserably stayed around at lower position and harder as I tried it didn't go up beyond horizontal to the floor.
"Ummm. this seems to be a bad case. You need to come at least twice a week to have a massage."
"Is it really necessary?"
"If you don't take a massage, it would take you more than a year to cure of the pain. But if you follow my advice, it will only take 5 months."
I remembered that two months have already passed and it shows no sign of recovery at all. "Ok, I will try to come." I said although I didn't believe what he said entirely.
Maybe I will learn how to massage after once or twice of the session and I will do it myself with hopefully a great help from my wife and without any help from this young doctor full of self-esteem.
When I came home I told my plan about the rehabilitation to my wife and ask for the help. She said she will go with me next time to learn what the doctor is doing to me.
Everywhere the money-making mechanism seems to be at work.