
According to my observation "maintaining status quo" is the most predominant guiding principle of this world.
If a society is peaceful now, anything that disturbs the peace is to be blamed, whatever means it was achieved by. Status quo seems to be regarded as invariable justice to retain. Let me give you an example.
America used to be the land of American Indians. But it is the fact that the white western people have destroyed most of them, by killing or sending them off to Indian reservations, and made it their own land. Once the ownership became a status quo, anything that disturbs it is labeled as crime. Although the ownership is stained with blood of native Americans, no one wants to dig up the bloody past and say "Hey, you Americans have no right at all to say anything about justice."
If you think about it on a personal scale, you can compare it to a thief who stole money from someone and claims the ownership because the money has long been with him which is the status quo.
If the status quo ante (status quo of the past) at the time of Mayflower should have been retained, all the westerners who came to America would have been criminals for invading the status quo. They tactically and successfully changed it to today's status quo, carefully contriving excuses so that it did not obviously conflict with their conscience. It took a long history to disguise the injustice as justice. It took some generations naturally.
The problem get complicated when their children were born. They were not the accomplice of their parents. They were innocently born in the land without knowing whose land it used to be. They grew up there considering that it was their homeland. Yes, this might be the moment when the status quo changed. They would feel it injustice if someone demanded them to return their "homeland" to their original owners. Of course they would fight.
Throughout the world's history, it has been a proven formula for a conqueror to wait for the generations of the conquered to change, in order to create a new status quo that justifies their occupation. Once it is justified they start to claim their ownership and call anyone that blames it as terrorist.
We Japanese did the same. We did it half successfully to Ainu and Kumaso, but never to Koreans or Taiwanese. Now nobody seems to want to insist that Hokkaido be back to Ainu.
How long does it take events to become a history and for new status quo to be born. This is the most difficult question and there seems no answer to it. But if you look from this aspect, you will find that most of the problems happening in the world centers around this guiding principle; "maintain the status quo" or "conflict between status quos" or "attempts to change status quo", whether it is right or wrong. Chechen-Russia, Israel-Palestine, Georgia- Ossetia if I name some. After all we are extremely conservative, which may bring about most of the tragedies. We can also say like this. All our history depends on our forgetfulness. That is why history repeats itself.