Where we are returning to

A dull, lukewarm wind is blowing under the gray sky. It's dark for a morning. In the garden there is a pair of starlings(ムクドリ) walking around on the overgrown lawn sometimes digging with its sharp beak for, possibly, worms. They never fail to come in a pair.
The garden is surrounded by big trees and it must be a good resting place for birds. The other day I found a bulbul(ヒヨドリ) and oxeyes(シジュウカラ). Bulbuls always perch on branches of trees and peck at something like young buds. Starlings stand out by their orange beaks and legs. They walk about to find something to eat. The other day, when two starlings landed in my garden, my wife threw some rice to them from veranda. I thought they would fly away. They didn't. Instead, their movement apparently changed. They began walking to and fro in a lather at a pace way quicker to collect the rice with their incredible sense of finding food. Grains are very small. When they fell on the ground they scattered and got lost in the lawn. But they seem to find ones easily. For a while they picked up the grains that amounted to 3 handfuls of my wife and then flew away.
When we get older, we seem more fond of animals, especially wild animals such as birds. Perhaps they allude to what we have in common. They are closer to Nature than us. We begin to understand that their behavior is what we have as background and we forget... and reminds us of where we are returning to... I turned 60 today.
The starlings are still walking around. walk quickly and stop, then walk again, repeating how many times? They never get bored. It follows their nature. It has been doing and it will. It continues forever even by changing generations.