Gibbous moon

When I got out of my house and started running last night, in front of me high up in the sky was a moon. Beautiful blue gibbous, now in a waxing phase. I like gibbous of the moon perhaps because it reminds me that the moon is really solid 3D, illuminated by the sunlight making shades on its surfaces with craters and all, while the full moon looks rather flat and 2D. I recognize there is surely a body there, drifting in vast space, alone, isolated but together with us. The beauty of the celestial body might be in its loneliness. I somehow find it in the phase of gibbous
A crescent moon has been admired for its mythical shape. In Japanese it has a name 三日月 or third-day moon, though it does not exactly correspond to a crescent because 三日月 is the name only for a very young, thin crescent. The strange thing is, from 三日月 to 満月 we do not have many names except 上弦 and 十三夜の月. But strangely it has many names in the waning phase, from 満月 to 新月; 十六夜、立待月,居待月、寝待月、更待月、下弦の月. Once I wondered why and thought about it. My theory goes that it has something to do with the time when the moon shows up in the sky. Waning gibbous moons appear late at night. I can imagine how a women in perhaps Heian period, was waiting for a lover to visit her during a night, summer or winter, looking up at the moon. She might expect him at any moment. But he hasn't come yet. Is he really coming? or not? Has he gone to some woman else? Does he not love me any more? He hasn't come. She looked at the moon. Deep sigh. He hasn't come. Suspicion, fear and a burning emotion of love all the more for them... He hasn't come... Swelling sense of sadness, jealous... From moment to moment, she must have sensed the time by how fat the moon is and where in the sky it is located. She kept waiting until the dawn finally visits her. 立待月,居待月、寝待月、更待月... It was the time when nature and human were closer together. It was the time people were romantic in its real meaning of the word...
I was running toward the gibbous of the moon. A cloud passed over and went away leaving behind a brighter colder color of the moon.