In a showroom

Went with my wife to a showroom of lamps. It was a big one with an incredible number of ceiling lamps, down lights, spot lights, pendant lamps, chandeliers with brilliant colors and fashionable shades. I felt tired already even before a lady advisor start talking about lamps for our new house. She is professional and she asked us first our taste; classic or modern.
"What do you mean by classic?" I asked her.
"Oh, sorry, it's like, you know, art deco or Victorian kind of."
"We don't need that. We like just simple ones and... cheap." I said with declining tone toward the end of the sentence.
"Oh, I see. Then modern."
"If you say so."
She started putting lights down on the layout drawing of our new house, showing us a thick catalog and keep asking us "how about this? how about that?". Through these questions she seemed to gradually grasp our taste and stopped suggesting expensive ones. She was so smart. In one hour we finished placing all the candidate lights for every room. Before we know she already put down the model numbers on respective lights. Just as I felt relieved from the tiring work, she stood up and said.
"Let me show you the real things we just selected. Could you follow me."
We followed her. When my wife saw the real ones she began to wonder about our choice. Now they were talking about alternatives. It looked to me as if they started all over again. I secretly left them to look around in the LED lamp corner. They look all good but prices. They were ridiculously expensive.
When I went back to them, I rather put my focus on the prices of the displayed products. I was dumbfounded. Two straight fluorescent lights covered by a plastic case was priced \15,000. A incandescent bulb in a socket was priced 3,500.
After the tour we all got back to the desk to wrap up our choice. I asked her
"Don't you think it too expensive? If they are not exorbitant what is?"
"Oh our products are rather cheap compared with our competitors."
She promised us to send the estimation soon. There was nothing more to say from my side. When we left the showroom 3 and half hours passed already. What a tiring work! I felt dead tired. In the car we firmly decided that we would buy the same lamps through the Internet and have the builder mount them. I am certain it will cut our cost less than half.