One thing at a time

I really can't do two things at a time. I can't study or read while listening to music. If I forced music down into my ears through earphones, like young people these days do, I couldn't concentrate on anything else.
When my children were in elementary school, they began to tease me for singing songs with wrong lyrics. For the first time I noticed that I couldn't understand the meaning of the lyrics when listening to songs. When I naturally concentrate on a melody, the meaning of the lyric is lost, becoming just a meaningless sound played by a musical instrument, called vocal chord. It has no more meanings than the sound of a violin has. Still it's beautiful in itself.
Perhaps I love melodies. After I see a movie, I find myself whistling or humming the music used in it. Such melodies that I heard in movies seems to stay with me forever. The other day I suddenly noticed that a same melody was played in my brain again and again. (It's like hearing the music from somewhere inside me! It often happens.) I remembered it was the theme music of the movie 送り人 which I thought I hadn't heard since I saw the movie. I might have heard it somewhere that day without my knowing. I don't know. The mechanism of memory and the relationship with our subliminal consciousness is mysterious and miraculous.
According to some brain scientists, melody and semantic cognition are treated in two different parts of the brain, its right and left sphere. I heard that when an artist is being absorbed in his work of painting, his language ability often deteriorates. So perhaps the brain scientists are right. And I am not so extraordinary, I hope...
I still can't get used to the parallel processing. Also I am no good at switching my brain when people demand me to. I just want to do one thing at a time, and only when I finish it I can bring myself to switch my brain to a new mode and buckle down to a new thing, in which sense, I may be still an awkward boy as my teachers often told me.