Mammoth Tusks

The average temperature yesterday was well below ten Celsius but inside the house was kept almost constant from 22 to 24. What makes this ideal condition? An insulated layer of concrete lying under the floor does. It stores heat during night when electricity is cheap and discharge the heat gradually during day time continuing to heat up the entire house. This system is really cost effective and comfortable.
Joy of the new house is being diluted with time but we, especially mother, are increasingly fond of the heating system with the temperature outside going down.
The problem is we don't really know how cold it is outside the house until we go out. In a way we are losing the sense of seasons, missing something important in exchange for the comfort.
Come to think of it, isn't it what we have been doing all the time since we got to be Homo sapience or even before? We have been struggling to improve our living environment to our comfort and lost something instead.
In a biology class in high school, a teacher taught us orthogenesis and I was impressed with this idea. Once a species starts evolving toward a certain advantageous trait, it can't stop it even if the trait goes overboard.
Good example he told us was the tusks of mammoths. While the tusk was short it was an advantage for them to fight or dig up roots with but it didn't stop growing longer until it became not only useless but a burden for them.
In our case the trait is intelligence. It has pushed us up to the practical king of animals (even though the title is nominally kept for lions). But we can't stop the evolution toward higher stage of intelligence even if there's no shortage of signs of becoming too much; inventing the atomic bomb, waging wars, polluting air and water, warming up the globe, to name a few.
All these have come from our individual desire added up. Evolution might be a collective desire of a species, which is against the Darwinism that argues the evolution is simply the result of random trials, though.
If we can't stop our growing desire how can we stop the excessive evolution? Orthogenisis.