An illusion

Light, light blue is a hydrangea. If you take a closer look, there is a tint of purple, pink, indigo... How much we miss when we see things?, so much so that we are not seeing them at all.
We are a creature of language. Language cuts out an object from its background and abstract it. The process of abstraction is the process of blindness. All the detail is lost. That's where all our preoccupation sneaks in.
In the first place the thing you pay attention to has never been and will never be separated from the background whether you are aware of it or not. It is the One with its background.
If so, you, who are looking at it, are separated from what you are seeing? Aren't you one of the objects in the background? You can never stand alone. You and the background is the One... so is your neighbor. The border between you and the neighbor disappears or the border might be just an illusion to begin with.
For some time, forget about words and face everything, clean or dirty, beautiful or ugly, good or evil, artificial or natural, noisy or quiet, smart or sliily, gentle or harsh, happy or unhappy, pessimistic or optimistic... you or me. That's the world.