Heaven and Hell

6:30, The day has started already. Bustle is back. The town is regaining vitality after a long break for both the dead and alive. Obon(お盆) has passed quietly. Everything looks different now.
"If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is: infinite" William Blake wrote in his collected essays "The marriage of heaven and hell".
What at all dirties the doors? How can we cleanse the doors? The answer might be in the title of the essay itself. We must marry the hell in us with the heaven also in us. Heaven and Hell. Good and Evil. Dead and Alive. Beauty and Ugliness. Me and Others. One can continue forever. We only look at everything wearing glasses tinted with heavenly colors.
But wait a minute. Is it not ourselves that divorced them to begin with? What a detour, but perhaps needed one. Remarriage is the right word.