Snow and Callous

It's snowing again. This time heavy. Looks like 5cm deep. It has already totally changed the scenery around. Colorless. Black and white world. Feel like I'm looking at a sumi-e, chinese old ink brush painting.
TV news is reporting that some of the transportation has been paralyzed. I wonder why we are so weak in such a small change as this. But at the same time, it's amazing to see how we are callous about a long-term change.
Last year, as far as I remember, we had no snow at all. This winter is cold. Then we start complaining about the coldness and almost forgetting about the global warming. We always have to look at a long-term trend and should not be drowned in a short-term fluctuation.
Fried frog syndrome...
The picture is taken out of the window of my house today.