The diving bell and the butterfly

Chief editorial of Elle, surrounded by his loved ones, in the middle of his successful social and private life, one day he got locked in his diving bell.
This is a story of a man who was attacked by a massive stroke and woke to find himself locked in his body, as good as a sandbag. Only way to barely express his frustration was to blink with his left eyelid. He "blinked out" this story with his 200000 times blinks.
A professor (he reads an incredible number of English books) happened to give me this book the other day so that I could kill time in the shinkansen train. I wanted to sleep but once I began reading it I simply couldn't stop. I read it through by the time the train got to Shinyokohama. This is an English translation from French original. Still very good to read.
If I had time, I'd like to talk more about it. I would strongly like to recommend this memoir to you.
The picture is borrowed from