Avian friend

Yesterday, when I was walking past a park near Ooimachi station, I saw a man standing in the park surrounded by a huge number of pigeons. As I walked toward him, he looked like a homeless around my age. He had a plastic bag with orange-color powder in it. He pinched a portion of the powder, put it on his palm, held it out in front of him and then froze perfectly with his eyes closed. No motion at all, like a street performer that looks like a clown doll but catches us off guard by a sudden motion. Then lo and behold. A pigeon perched on his shoulder. Another pigeon perched on his arm. Another on his head. They jump down on to his forearm to eat the powder.
I was impressed. I stood still and watched him for a while thinking it was not bad to have avian friends. When he opened his eyes, he noticed me standing right in front of him. I said "it's great to tame pigeons like this!". "Not a big deal, anyone can do it." he said with an unexpected shy and cute smile showing white teeth some of which were missing.
"Can I do it?" I asked.
"Oh, yes sure." He put some powder on my palm saying "this is ground チーズ味のカール(cheese flavored snack). I found they especially like this."
Then I held out the cheese flavored powder and stood still exactly like him with my eyes half closed so that I could see the spectacle that was going to take place right in front of my eyes. I waited.
A pigeon flew up. It passed my head to the man standing beside me and perched on his shoulder. I waited perhaps for 30 seconds. No pigeon perched on any part of my body. So I squat down and put my hand near the ground so that the pigeons get familiar with me easily. A pigeon walked up to me. It dashed to the カール on my palm and pecked it up and hurriedly ran away. Another one came and did the same. No one looked friendly to me. So I moved my hand to a pigeon. It moved away from me. I tried again to another. It also ran away. Totally disappointed, I stood up and said to the man who was looking at me smiling.
"It seems they do not like me."
"Don't worry. It takes some time. It's not that pigeons don't like you." He said.
I thought to myself. "You are wrong. Pigeons do not like me. I don't like pigeons either."