Mosquito bites

Since I got a tiny surgery on my boil, I have seen a dermatologist almost every day. The cut is still covered with a bandaid, but inside it almost heals. The problem is I seem to have an allergy to the tape. The parts of my skin where the tape stuck are extremely unbearably itchy. I have my wife scratch the parts almost every hour. The doctor tried 3 types of tapes including a tape named カブレス but all were more or less the same. I asked her
"Why people have the sense of itchiness? I can understand the reason we have pain. It is a sign that warns us something is wrong, isn't it?"
"I have been seeing patients for 30 years but you are the first to ask that question. Good question actually... Well, it is not well understood. Some say it is a kind of pain spot. It also has a mental aspect. If you care about it it increases its intensity."
"So why does a mosquito makes us itchy after it bites? It is clearly a wrong strategy if it really wants to live a little longer. If it gave us no itchiness, I would let it suck my blood as much as it pleases."
"ほっほっほっ。Yes indeed. I will ask a mosquito the next time I have a chance."
Thinking "子供じゃないんだから、この返事はないんじゃない?", I left the clinic.
When I came back home I thought about itchiness. I remembered what she had said. Mental aspect. So when I felt severe itchiness I tried to focus on other things than the itchiness. At first itchiness nagged me from time to time. But I kept neglecting the feeling. Unknown length of time had passed, without my knowing it, I found myself forgetting about the itchiness. This is beautiful. The doctor is great. She may well treat me like a child. Itchiness is only for people who can't brush it off.
Things may not be such simple. But It is true things are the result of the combination of mental and physical aspect; most of the cases in favor of mental aspect. Mosquitoes are testing our maturity. Think about it.