キモい〜 Real creep.

There is a tree. "Tree" is a word. Tree is tree standing here. Tree is not a word. It has a rough surface when you touch it. It has a lush foliage when you look up. Every leaf has veins symmetric or asymmetric with its shape oblong or rather round, with pointed tip or not... with all the details in it.
Here is a tree. The moment we think it as a "tree", we stop seeing it and we think we understand it already. We start just looking at a tree that was already inputted in our brain from our reading or from our experience of drawing trees that was stereotyped among kindergarten kids. We are just recalling our memory of trees instead of really seeing it. But what do we know about this particular tree standing here? Words are convenient but they are the ones that separate us from the reality.
When a young school girl says "アイツ、キモい(He is creep.)", and everyone agrees, they stop trying to see what he is really like. His entire existence is described in this single disgusting word "キモい". If he is shy and introvert he has no chance. No chance at all to have a girlfriend. He gradually loses his self-esteem and self confidence. He has no chance to have a good job because he himself looks at him as "キモい" and stop seeing what he is really like.
Without my noticing the modern society has full of those people.
When ex-primeminister Koizumi said "改革なくして成長なし", are we not the ones who supported him? We just rushed for the words like 改革 or 成長 and did not want to see what they were really like. Did anyone care about the fact that it already included such problematic "改革" as 後期高齢者?
So called "one phrase politics" is one of the most dangerous that Hitler preferred to use a lot. But this strategy works only based on the people's tendency to depend on words and not to see the reality. Koizumi took advantage of this nature of people. In that sense he is no different than Hitler. Again word is just a word, not reality. We are the ones to be blamed for following his one-phrase trick.
One of the young guys who was once branded as "キモい" kind of thing, drove a truck to Akihabara, hit a few people to death, got off the truck, walked up to a crowd, stabbed a few others to death.