
I found a cobweb bridging two trees in my garden. All of a sudden I felt like feeding the spider which did the splendid job of weaving such an intricate structure. I put a large ant on the web. When the victim walked the web trembled. The vibration transfered to the edge of the web where the spider was waiting. It came out and started attacking the ant. Then it walked around the feast with sticky, fine string reeling out from its bottom with which to bind up the game still struggling to free itself until it was totally covered with the white thread.
Then I put a big earthworm on the web. It wiggled hard. Sensing something is on the web, the spider came out. To my surprise this time it cut the web string on which the earthworm was twitching and let it drop from its residence. It was too big to eat. Or didn't look delicious.
I sometimes can't resist my curiosity and do things that may look stupid. This is the result of my child part showing up from time to time. It's difficult to say how much of me is childlike but I think myself consisting of 10 % child and 90% adult.
Yesterday I said to my daughter "Don't you think I'm 10 % child and 90% adult?"
"No." she said.
Oh, she's my daughter. She knows I'm grown-up for all my stupid words and behavior.
"The other way round. 90% child and 10% adult."