
I am not a type of person who can keep several balls in the air. When I start thinking about the research project, I naturally neglect other things such as writing this blog. But once I succeed in being absorbed in writing, it gets momentum and I can't stop it, reluctant to start other things at all. Perhaps i am not good at turning it on from off or off from on. I really respect those who can reset their mind easily from what he was doing to start a different thing.
Usually I can't help dwelling on what I WAS doing even after I started a new thing.
This was a big problem as manager. Managers are expected to manage things, needless to say^^. You have to evaluate your staff's performance, try to solicit research money for your research group (I was good at it), prepare for "strategy meetings", what is worse, attend them, try not to say stupid things at the meeting, direct a fire drill, earthquake drill and still you have to eat lunch. Good managers manage all of them beautifully together with his research. I simply cannot. I think about a fire drill while evaluating my staff, think about lunch while attending a strategy meeting which was never vice-versa though.
I like doing one single thing all day long. At least mentally I like to be absorbed in one thing.
My wife always points out that when I start eating one dish I never stop eating it without trying other dishes when there are many kinds of dishes on the table, possibly suggesting it is not good manner. Somehow I can't but dispose of dishes one by one. Perhaps I do not like one taste contaminated with other foods. This has something to do with my working style. I used to try to be better at juggling things but now I resigned myself to my inborn nature.
Come to think about it, this may be the reason I resigned from the Research Center.