
Asked “People often say that you are talking as if it were happening to other people, what do you think? “ the prime minister answered a bit frettingly “I can see myself objectively. I am different from you.”
Many people say many things about this rather tongue-slipping remark. Mostly criticism which he deserves, given his position. To me it was very interesting. 
He said he sees himself objectively. But who is he that sees himself objectively? It is he. He divide himself into two persons; a person(A) who sees the other and a person(B) who is seen by A. A sees B and then judges that B is not suitable any more to carry out prime minister's job further. 
I would think he is a kind of person who has been taking the position of A all his life. Many Bs have been created and deserted... The Bs got hurt. But its OK as long as he has the personality A.  He can always escape into A. It's like a lizard cutting its tail in an emergency.
Since A always has to be objective, to our eyes he seems like taking his problem as if someone else's problem(他人事). But the fact is his cool facade is just put up on his surface as an iron armor... cold and hard... inside which he is trembling with fear; ....fear because down inside he knows that B is also he. He knows that if he had tried more and worked harder, the wimpy B would have become stronger and might have done a greater thing. But he had given up on B on the basis of his "objective" decision. But in fact there is no A or B. B is also he. After all B is subjective. How can he be objective?
B could have decided to continue his effort to the end only if he decided. But he introduced an aspect of A and made B's weakness look as if an objective fact. Again. B is also he.
Somewhere in him he feels guilty about this. When his facade  was pointed out by a young press reporter at the press meeting, he must have felt as though his most dependable defense was attacked. He was indignant and made the above remark, which betrayed his cool look in spite of his attempt to to stay as A...
This schizophrenic mentality, so to say, does not just reside in the prime minister. This is also dwelling in  me. And in you. We are doing the same but we just do not notice because we happen not to be in a position that would reveal it, where it is not viewed as a problem. We split ourselves into a multitude of personalities and use them as the situation demands. We use the fake personalities because we believe they can help us avoid "needless" friction between others and ourselves. But fake is fake. We lost our real selves in the fake personalities. It may be about time we reunited them to be someone more integrated and genuine.But it may be hard. The man in the highest position in Japan has proved it.