Spoiling real life.

As I grow older, I find myself distancing from noisy TV programs such as comedy shows. I used to like them...
Essence of laughter lies in unexpectedness. We laugh when something happens or someone says something that betrays our expectation. When we are young and not much experienced, there are few things that we can expect and almost everything is unexpected. We laugh a lot. But age makes you knowledgeable. The more knowledge you have the more things happen as you expected. If you can predict what a comedian will say next, a punch line, you cannot laugh.
These days all the TV channels are full of comedy shows. That's what they are always doing. Once they know comedy shows get to capture high ratings, they air tons of similar kind of comedy programs until there remains no unexpectedness in the world. I hate... I hate this trend.
I think unexpectedness is a kind of expendable items. If you use it too much it wears off... You must treasure it. You must reserve it for your real life.
When your child say something meant to be funny, it would be much better for you to hear it for the fist time rather than having heard it already hundred times on TV. This is also 一期一会 kind of thing. You need to be new to whatever happens to you... Hopefully to my おやじギャグ too^^. Or is it better to develop your ability to laugh at a same joke many times?