
"If you have a love for knowledge then studying becomes easy. But I am worried that with students these days, cramming for exams has sucked away their desire for knowledge."
Said Toshihide Masukawa, one of the three scientist to be awarded Nobel Prize in physics 2008 to Prime Minister Aso yesterday.
Yes, yes, this is what I really really really wanted to say here. When did we begin to separate studying and playing as opposed to each other? Job and pleasure? If we lack a love for study, job, or whatever else we are doing, life will be reduced to something we endure or wait to just pass. You can play in your study. You can enjoy your hard work...
We failed to pass our children this message. Isn't it because we ourselves did not know such lives with love? It is not too late, I hope.
Ken Ogata died at the age of 71. He sincerely loved acting, his job.