The palm of Buddha

Strategy of a plankton to survive is to swim around randomly. If he feels comfortable where he is, he slows up his movement to stay there. If he feels not, he continues moving around until he by accident comes to a better place. He never thinks "Oh, the place over there looks good, I'll swim to there." He just leaves his fate to a random possibility. He himself might die in this rather haphazard Odyssey but he has trillions and trillions of comrades that follow him, some of which are lucky enough to swim to a utopia where they stay and have babies. The probability may be minute so they try to leave as many off-springs as possible.
Expected value = probability of survival x total number of the trial
There is a better strategy for survival. If you can sense beforehand in any way---see, hear, smell or whatever--- a better place or which direction you should go in, you just go there. It is far more effective way than being a random gambler. If you can tell where the best place to catch fish, you just go there and catch fish. In a way you are lazier than a plankton. We might have been evolving toward laziness.
We cannot enjoy the bliss of laziness for free. We need to be intelligent. Our evolution process has walked its way straight toward laziness through intelligence.
These strategies are written in our blueprint called DNA. We evolved rewriting this blueprint so that we can be more prosperous. In a way we can call DNA as trans-generation intelligence of each species. We needed it to leave our intelligence to our children to preserve our species. If you have DNA, you do not have to care about if your child might be born with intelligence of a monkey or plankton. You are guaranteed you have a child with a human intelligence. You don't need to teach your baby how to suck the breast or how to walk. All instructions are embedded in your DNA which have been amended over and over again for us to be more sophisticated, taking stunningly long time in a trial and error manner. The problem with this method is, therefore, we have to wait until our DNA changes before we get whatever worth calling an evolution. It is a tantalizingly slow process.
Then we invented languages. We can now hand down to our kids whatever we feel necessary to survive in the form of language; what they should do, what they should not do, how to hunt for a better opposite sex to leave a stronger, beautiful, intelligent child with a better probability of survival, which might otherwise have been a role of an instinct imprinted in DNA. Besides we have letters to preserve it longer. Thus we do not have to wait any more a change in DNA to have an evolution. In fact, look at our civilization! It has kind of evolved at an enormous speed mercilessly overwhelming the rest of the species. This is a brandnew strategy to survive and it was so successful that we as a species evolve all through our generation to be able to control our environment spreading our territory to almost every nook and cranny of the planet. This is revolutional because it was done without any change in DNA. If we had waited for DNA to change to be suited to live from freezing cold Lapland to sand-storming Sahara to boiling hot jungle in Congo, it would have taken thousands of millions of years. We have done it only within a matter of tens of thousands years with our intelligence. Intelligence is a child of DNA but it has in a way replaced DNA, its mother. Our intelligence,by the way, has accelerated the evolution process, making our lives busier and busier instead of giving us the privilege of laziness which seems to have been the original purpose of evolution.
The strange thing is we can also say all this is just a manifestation of the blueprint in our DNA. We can say that our intelligence, our speaking ability, our wisdom, even modification of DNA are a consequence of what is written in the DNA.
After all we cannot get out of the palm of Buddha.