
The house I live now has almost no insulator in the walls. The windows have only a single sheet of glass which, in this season, are fully beaded with condensed water from heated air in the room, trickling down, growing bigger while collecting their peers through to the window pane until making a small pool on the window railing. The window panes get moldy soon no matter how many times my wife wipes them off. Without a heater, it gets cold enough to even make you think living outside the house might be better. In summer, the sunshine from windows in the west heats up the living room in a way even a most powerful air conditioner looks like a drop of water in the hellfire.
It might have been this situation that led me to a heat-insulation maniac when I decided to build my house. The new house I have planned is almost like the one in a Scandinavian country. Thick plastic insulator is packed in the walls and all the windows have triple glass sheets. The calculated heat loss is so small that we can air-condition our house with one air-conditioner... at least theoretically^^... if my calculation is right.
It should save us a lot of energy cost during summer and winter. I would prefer to call it as "eco-friendly". Don't call me cheapskate^^