
I have long wanted to retire entirely when I turn 60 and I turned 60 this year. But I decided to continue to work next year. Two reasons; money and obligation. I feel it safer to have income for another year, considering the volatile economy in this country and a great decrease in my savings spent on house building. The other reason is my client company strongly wanted me to continue consultation, because the project I had started is not completed yet, though I have done with most of the business transfer to a guy who was supposed to take over my role. Technology transfer was always not easy because of the difference in technological background between me and him. It's like talking in a different language with each other.
I watched a movie "Babel" yesterday. I liked it. The metaphor of Babel was scattered everywhere. The communication between people with different languages and cultures was irritatingly hard. The communication is no less hard among people who use a same language. The absurdity and illusion of communication was elaborately depicted in the film.
Bad news is the client company cannot afford to pay me as much as this year. The company is also suffering badly financially. I simply could not walk out on them when they really need me. I signed the one-year-contract again.