Neighborhood Geography

At dinner table, we talk about what new things we have done that day. It is fun to listen to various stories about their findings or to know a little courage they took to do their new things.
My mother, 84, not only enjoys listening but, half out of her sense of obligation, talks about her own new experiences. She is cute. Her story is centering around new routes to go to her regular destinations. We are all amazed to hear her say "I didn't know this street led me to that street." or "I didn't know such pretty houses there." or "I got lost near the kindergarten." How can you get lost in your neighborhood after 60 years living there? It is impossible. Everyone except her knows already about most of her findings. But we get a kick out of the fact that she is like a 5 year old girl when it comes to the neighborhood geography. If you think she is getting senile, you are wrong. Maybe she has become more forgetful than before but still better than me. It is just that she has had no interest in taking a new course to go to her usual destination. She has always been practical. It has been a waste of time to take a different course.
Come to think about it, we are more or less the same. How easily we get into a rut. How difficult it is to get out of it. Walking the same path to our everyday destination without looking where we are walking now is what we are doing at present moment. We are too much focusing on our destination to enjoy the path we are walking. I hope you are not the case.