
Yesterday, I could not write because my new computer came and I literally got hooked on it.
I always buy non-brand PCs. Selecting a CPU, hard disk, DVD / CD reader / writer, mother board, and graphic card etc... is really fun. I buy OS, windows, separately and install it by myself together with device drivers.
My wife always asks me why I bother taking such trouble. First of all it is cheap. Maybe half of a brand-name computer with the same performance. But the real reason is I want to know what's what with the computer. You can buy a computer and just start using it. It is fine. But its mechanism always fascinates me. You can't know the mechanism just because you set up a computer. Still you can feel and learn something of it by doing it yourself.
Yet you can't do it without getting into troubles. There are always compatibility problems. Yesterday the resolution of the display by itself changed unexpectedly. It was terrible. It was hard to distinguish any of the letters on the display. I tried many things and 3 hours or so later, finally found the device driver of the graphic card was responsible. It is a third-party product without official authentication from Windows. So I know that I cannot fix the problem on my own. But finding out the cause of a problem in itself always gives me a certain sense of accomplishment. I am going to call the PC store and talk about the problem today. This is another interesting part of purchasing a new PC.
You see I am not only an advocate of オタク but I am myself^^. There are 6 PCs in my house now.