
福島の手前、原発から10kmの浪江や福島に近い飯館村はさらに高い線量が観測されている。こちらはどうなっているのか? あれだけ高い値を発表しておきながらその後のフォローがないのはどういうわけだろうか。我々一般庶民にしらされていないだけか? あるいはマスコミも問題がなくなると忘れてしまうためか。後者であって欲しいが。

      • English Summary

The story doesn't stop there. The radiation level in Fukushima-city, the capital of Fukushima Prefecture, is hovering at a high value(as of 17th). This may suggest that the city has become a "hot spot", a place where radioactive materials blown up by one of the "explosive phenomena" happened to fall and deposit. The level itself may not be so much of a fuss but radioactive material deposited on the ground is easily taken in our body by way of food. Different measure must be taken than radiation exposure problems.
Good thing is the level is not high so far. All I can do is to pray for the level to go down. IF the radioactive material accidentally fell this specific place, it is highly unlikely that it falls on this place again.
What we need is the data of Cesium 137 distribution which accumulates in our bones to cause serious diseases. If there is a possibility of contamination, the government must take immediate measures.
At Namie city, 10km away from the power plants, the measured radiation level was around 300 uSv. But there was no data thereafter. What we lack is data. I hope the level has developed by now. If not, it may show that the city is likely to be contaminated.