
Good morning! everyone.
What new thing shall I do today? I feel thrilled at the thought every morning. This is rather like waiting for fun than trying to think, because most of the cases it's on the spur of the moment. Contrived new things are always stale, artificial and lack something creative. I just let it happen. The important thing for me is try not to block it by crusted ideas of mine. (You know, the crust gets thicker and harder as I get older!)
Try it. Just let it happen and never resist. Let it just flow. Then wait and see. It will sometimes develop into a totally unexpected new state if you are prepared to accept and enjoy whatever happens to you.
I started this blog out of a whim and I didn't expect you are reading. Starting a blog itself is not new. What is really new to me is the fact YOU are reading. Some of you just passed by and happened to read this. This is really creative. Anything out of my control is beautiful and creative in a real sense. I just appreciate it.
Photos are also new. It's exactly an encounter of a photographer and a situation. Look at this picture. I hope you understand what I mean.