Scent of Autumn

The summer is passing at last, leaving us unforgettable memory of purgatorial heat, dog days, day after day, relentless, even during the nights, coupled with suffocating humidity. But, yes, there has been great happiness along the way. Our new house was completed. My son passed the exam for master's course.
The summer would have been more detrimental to us, especially to my mother if we'd had it in our old house. How many tosses and turns would have been there on the bed during the sauna nights?
But the sleepless nights would have meant a more awaited autumn. The coming autumn would have been better all the more for the heat of the summer that played havoc throughout the country this year. With much comfort in the fully air-conditioned house, our autumn will be somewhat lackluster, will not be welcomed with the same crave as last year.
Good news he spent all his summer holidays on studying and made it. But it doesn't follow that happiness is guaranteed throughout his life.
After all we can't take only the good side of things. There is no such life as consists of only happiness like life filled with only unhappiness. If there is, they must be just lukewarm ones. No real happiness or unhappiness is there. I don't know why but life is so made. Too late to know.
Gentle breeze from the window brings a bit of autumnal flavor into the room. It's that subtle crispness in the air.