The first crisis was over?



  1. まずいずれかの爆発的事象で放射性ヨウ素が比較的大量に一度に放出され、あたりに付着した。そのときに北西方面の飯舘や福島市が汚染された可能性もある。(これらの放射線量率もヨウ素の減衰曲線よりも若干速い速度で漸次減少している)。
  2. その後は放射性ヨウ素の放出量は激減し、最初に付着した放射性ヨウ素だけが、自然崩壊して減衰していく。
  3. 使用済み燃料(特に3号機)からは、おそらくは温度上昇にともなって時々放射性ヨウ素が放出されるが、そこでの放出は放水によって急激に減少し最初に付着した分の放射線量率にまた戻る。


English Summary
The major question is if the release of radioactive materials is still going on and if yes, how much. Today's Yomiuri reported an interesting graph on the relashionship between the time of water spray and the radiation doze rate.
It shows that the overall trend of the radiation rate seems to follow the decay curve of Iodine131, which means that the I131 was released at one of the "explosive phenomena" and it had not been released so much thereafter.
The abrupt increases in the doze rate seems to have surpressed by water injection onto the spent-fuel.
If this is the case, the first crisis might have been over. Then the current problem might have shifted to how to keep the spentfuel under control to surpress the release, even if relatively small, from it. Perhaps it is still hard to keep pouring water for a long span of time.
Apart from the spent-fuel problem, the reactors are still going through a thermal tightrope situation, barely maintain the balance of cooling and generation of the heat.
It seems, however, that the problem is being better defined at least.