
Victory of grace and elegance

Up at 5. Cloudy. How long haven't we had such a morning without sunshine? Congratulations! The Japanese women's national football team, Alpine Pink (synonymous of a Japanese woman with grace and elegance), beat the US to win the world cup.…

Who’s responsible?

Got bored of saying it's hot and humid. A typhoon is coming. We could use a little rain. He is a friend of my age and the only one I can call friend. He was my classmate in high school. We went on to different universities and hadn't met e…

Thermal design

Strong morning sunshine. How many days more will it be like this? This rainy season ended too early. My client's office finally decided to loosen up the energy saving policy. They used to preset the air conditioner at 28 C, but under the n…

Alpine pink

Muggy. 80% humidity. Got up at five to watch a football game. Alpine Pink beat Sweden 3 to 1 to be the one of the finalist. I always adore the captain Homare Sawa for her leadership and untiring, unyielding, high spirits. I heard that she …


Nothing seems different from yesterday morning. Hot and humid. This is summer. "My suggestion, my warnings, my advice.... all rolling off you like water off a duck's back." What a nice way to say you are not listening. It is as good as its…

Old? New?

Six thirty in the morning. Blinding glare of the sun, already. Dull motion of air. Going to be another hot day. Located on the 15th floor of a new building in front of the Futako-Tamagawa station, our new office commands a panoramic view o…

Mary’s room

Rainy season is over, already. Blue sky. Strong sunshine. Finally.... it's back. Mother seems fine today. She says she belatedly begins to understand how her late husband was feeling his old age. "If this is so painful for me it was for hi…


Hot day. Mother feels weak in the legs these days. Around this season last year, she complained the same but it got better toward winter. But again... In spite of all this she went out for social dancing. In this heat! She said she would b…

Black swan (spoiler warning)

When my wife asked me out to a movie on her birthday (it should have been the other way around!) I was reluctant because, from what she said, the movie seemed like a girl's manga story in which two ballerinas compete for a lead role. It wa…

Being Japanese

Bought an electric fan. Plated with copper, it looks cool for the last one left unsold in Daiei. The blades remind me of an industrial cooling fan. All the fans were sold out in the two appliance shops I visited before Daiei. The energy cr…


At six in the morning, the temperature outside reaches already 28 Celsius. Is rainy season over? Hope not. I prefer rainy weather to that purgatorial heat in summer. Come to think, I used to love summer. Without any conscious reasons the w…

An illusion

Light, light blue is a hydrangea. If you take a closer look, there is a tint of purple, pink, indigo... How much we miss when we see things?, so much so that we are not seeing them at all. We are a creature of language. Language cuts out a…


Cool morning. Everything catches its breath in the moist quietness under the leaden sky. A swallow cut across. It left behind a sharp, imaginary trail for a moment in the gray and... gone. It's Sunday. Why the quietness. A brief respite in…


Visited Nagoya University to give a lecture. The audience students were quiet. No questions, no comments. So, I asked them questions instead. "Why do you think this phenomenon occurs at a lower temperature?" None volunteered to answer. I p…

Wisdom fruit

Rainy morning. Still very humid. Rain finally began to fall upon the disaster area. Their heart is wet, so is mine. 100 days have passed since the nightmarish tragedy. How fast our memory fades? Not sure if it should fade or should not, to…

Energy saving

This year's hottest! It's humid, too. Managed to get by without switching on an airconditioner. The electricity consumption today at 3 pm within the TEPCO (Tokyo Electric Power Co., Inc.) covering area was about 10% less than that on the s…


Ken Wilber wrote - It is as if Spirit were both the highest rung on the ladder of our existence AND the wood out of which the entire ladder is made. Spirit is both totally and completely immanent (as the wood) and totally and completely tr…

The worst may have been past




Where to settle?


No Progress



「人智の及ばぬ」「想定外」といっても何をもって人智というのか、何を想定していたかが問題だろう。 人類の進歩と言われるものは、まず進歩してしまってから次に反省するというプロセスの繰り返しだ。従来存在しなかったことを存在せしめることをもって新し…

The first crisis was over?


3号機で何が起きているのか What’s happening there?

3号機には今日現在4000トンが放水された。1200トンのプールの容量は大幅に越えた。しかもまだ放水を続ける必要があるという。発熱量に比べると異常な反応と言わざるを得ない。しかも放水後の放射線量の減り方が少ないのは非常に気になる。 恐れるのは、プー…


やっぱり 一昨日、3号機のプールは報道されているように5日程度で蒸発してなくなるような事はあり得ないと書いた。なぜ誰も報道しないのかと思っていたら昨日の米紙の記事だ。 4号機プールに亀裂か 米専門家分析 2011.3.19 18:48 米紙ロサンゼルス・タイ…


まだおかしな事がある。 福島市の放射線量が高止まりしている事だ(3月17日現在)。北西の風が吹いていれば同市は風上のはずだ。ではなぜか?ここはいわゆるホットスポットになってしまった可能性がある。即ち複数回の爆発的事象の内のいずれかにより放射性…


問題の原子炉3号機に放水車を総動員して今さかんに水をかけているが、 これは意味がないのかもしれない! 本日、問題の原子炉4機のプールに保管されたの使用済み燃料の発熱量が 発表になった。 今一番問題とされる3号機の発熱量は20万Kcal/hrだという。プー…

What a blessing

One bright frosty morning, when the world was still half-awake, I pulled open the curtain. Unexpected strong sunshine flooded the room and dazzled my eyes. I squinted. No clouds. A milky blue sky. Leaves glittering under the cold morning s…

New Year

My house was completed. My daughter came back to the new house to live with us again. Our dog looks vigorous living in her old place. My son is going to a new university for his master course. I keep working with the same clients. Some thi…